Deltalife 13

31 Doctorates ARJANWIJDEVELD Thesis: ' Scientific progress in sediment and water quality assessment: Implementation of practical case studies.' Supervisor: Professor T.J. Heimovaara. Delft University of Technology, 10October 2019 ELLENTROMP Thesis: 'Enhancing knowledge transfer and uptake in design processes of flood defences.' Supervisors: Professor B.A. van derWalle and Dr. P.W.G. Bots. Delft University of Technology, 11 November 2019 VICTORCHAVARRIAS Thesis : 'Obtainingwell-posedness inmathematical modelling of fluvial morphodynamics' Supervisors: Dr. A. Blomand Professor W.S.J. Uijttewaal. Delft University of Technology, 14November 2019 KOENBERENDS Thesis: 'Human interventions in rivers: quantifying the uncertainty of hydraulicmodel predictions' Supervisor: Professor S.J.M.H. Hulscher. Twente University - 28November 2019 ARJENLUIJENDIJK Thesis: 'Crossing borders in coastal morphodynamicmodelling' Supervisors: ProfessorM.J.F. Stive and Professor S.G.J. Aarninkhof. Delft University of Technology, 4December 2019 TJITSKEGEERTSEMA Thesis : 'Water level and discharge dynamics in human-affected lowland rivers' Supervisors: Professor A.J.F. Hoitink and Professor R. Uijlenhoet. WageningenUniversity &Research, 20December 2019 MARTINEKOX Thesis: 'Ecological Microbiology of Sphagnum- associatedmethane oxidation and nitrogen fixation' Supervisor: ProfessorM.S.M. Jetten and Professor L.P.M. Lamers. RadboudUniversity, 27March 2020 Deltares Organisation TomBuijse appointed Extraordinary Professor of Freshwater Fish Ecology Tom Buijse, an expert in healthy water systems and ecology, was appointed Extraordinary Professor of Freshwater Fish Ecology in the 'Aquaculture and Fishing' group of Wageningen University & Research on 1 April 2020. The appointment will initially be for a period of five years. The extraordi­ nary chair is an initiative of Sportvisserij Nederland, STOWA, Rijkswaterstaat and Deltares. Buijse understands and studies the importance of linking fishery management better to water and nature management in order to preserve and, where necessary, restore the size and diversity of freshwater fish populations. For more information: