R&D highlights edition 2019

59 R&D Highlights 20198 Social and economic impact This theme has a social impact. On the basis of the results, the other research themes at Deltares will benefit fromnewmethods and data for social issues related to water and the subsurface. These methods andmodels should be approached on a more global scale, using combined and spatial data sources. Models will therefore becomemore data- driven and technological developments will make more data and information available. Accordingly, alliances with technology companies will also be intensified. New technologies will be evaluated and implemented for the water and subsurface domain. The services and products developed in this theme will be used by Deltares, our partners and our clients. We already have a global open-source community for our software and we are currently working on new data services, for instance on the basis of the global simulation models for surface water, groundwater and hydrology. New technologies also encourage the involvement of the general public and stakeholders in citizen science projects and crowdsourcing activities.