R&D highlights edition 2019

Adaptive delta planning Social dilemma: a nature-based solutionmay be most attractive for the group but not for the individual dike manager. FACILITATING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS USING THE ADDED VALUE OF JOINT ACTION PARTICIPATORY TOOL The implementation of nature- based solutions requires joint action but social dilemmas may block cooperation if there is no additional process support. A par- ticipatory tool has been developed to help stakeholders establish the added value of joint action. Stakeholders learn what coopera- tion will yield and how to proceed towards actual implementation. M ultifunctional approaches such as nature-based flood defences and multifunctional dikes combine flood riskmanagement with nature, leisure and housing. Combining functions potentially provides awin-win for the parties involved. However, these situations often involve a social dilemma: cooperation may be beneficial from the perspective of the group, but it may not be the most appealing option for individuals. Implementing multifunctional concepts requires joint action but the social dilemmas may block cooperation if there is no additional process support. Stakeholders need to be informed about what can be achieved when they cooperate and about how all parties involved can be satisfied with the chosen alternative. As a part of the research project BE SAFE, a participatory tool was developed to help stakeholders establish the added value of joint action and assess the potential for further cooperation. The tool is informed by the theory of cooperative gaming, which provides concepts to assess the va- lue of cooperation and ways to distribute the gains. The rationale behind the tool is that stakeholders will only participate in a multi-functional project when more is gained than with their current cooperation (or non-cooperation) strategy. The tool comprises four steps: (1) intro- duction of players, (2) outcome discovery, (3) outcome assessment and analysis, and (4) discussion and action perspective. In cooperation with Delft University of Technology, the Added Value of Joint Action tool was used on the Friesland Wadden Sea coastline. The POV Wadden­ zeedijken programme initiated a research project aimed at improving dike-foreshore or more difficult if the opportunities were taken. Researchers analysed these ratings and reported on the results in the second workshop. On the basis of the analyses, stakeholders defined two cooperative pilots and started working on a shared vision. The tool is particularly useful for exploring innovative strategies that are cross- sectoral and multifunctional and for investigating joint action possibilities. It is applicable in the fields of flood risk management, spatial development and infrastructure projects, and it can be used by a wide range of stakeholders, including governments, NGOs and private companies. Using the tool allows participants to establish a picture of what they can achieve alone and what they can achieve through cooperation, and to identify the added value of joint action and a multifunctional approach in their case. This will help them to develop strategic perspectives for future collective action and enable implementation. Contact: Stephanie Janssen, Stephanie.Janssen@deltares.nl , t +31 (0)6 2077 9589 Heleen Vreugdenhil, Heleen.Vreugdenhil@deltares.nl , t +31 (0)6 4691 4613 Further reading : https://www.deltares.nl/nl/projecten/added-val- ue-of-joint-action-a-workshop-methodology/ www.citg.tudelft.nl/be-safe Dike manager Nature NGO Farmer Total Traditional dike Nature-based dike cooperation using innovative approaches. In a first work­ shop, stakeholders ex­ plored potential joint dike- foreshore initiatives. A total of eight opportunities for cooperation were identified. Each stakeholder rated these opportunities by indicating whether achieving their goals would become easier 57 Nature-Based Solutions are a multifunctional concept